We pride ourselves on the ability to offer a personalized service. Each member of the RTH team is highly skilled and client-focused to deliver quality analysis with a fast turnaround time.

Dr Kent Fanning BSc(Hons), PhD
Lab Manager & Chief Chemist
Beginning in January 2020, Kent has followed in his father’s footsteps and has taken over the reigns of RTH from Lawrence as Lab Manager and Chief Chemist. Kent joined the RTH team full-time in 2018, after working part-time for several years as a consulting analyst.
Following completion of his PhD in pharmaceutical analysis and pharmacokinetics with UQ’s Therapeutic Research Unit, Kent spent 10 years as a Research Scientist with the Queensland Government (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries).
Kent has developed expertise in working with clients to understand, tailor and deliver exactly what they want, on time and on budget.
Julia Fanning BScPharm
Accounts & QA Manager
Julia received her pharmacy degree from the University of Manitoba, Canada. In 2009, she became registered with the Australian Pharmacy Board and worked as a clinical pharmacist at both the Princess Alexandra and Mater hospitals.
At RTH, Julia oversees invoicing, accounts and quality assurance, and maintains the database and documentation systems.

Chris Turner BE/BSc(Hons)
Operations Manager
Lawrence Fanning BAppSc (Chem), MRACI
Senior Chemist
Lawrence co-founded RTH in 2004 and is now enjoying semi-retirement while still keeping his mind active at RTH a few days a week.
Following a brief industrial chemistry career in the 1970s, he spent several years as a chemistry teacher, finally re-entering the chemical analysis industry in 2004.
Lawrence is an expert in analysis by LC-MS, wet chemistry and physical testing including method development and validation. He oversees all aspects of laboratory operations including analysis, method development and maintenance of the laboratory’s APVMA accreditation. He prides himself on client rapport, delivering targeted analytical solutions and rapid turnaround of results.